Snapchat’s Horrendous New Login Bug

Devin Baeten
3 min readMar 22, 2022
The error displayed upon entering a valid username and password, then trying to log in on Snapchat.

If you’re like me and have access to multiple Snapchat accounts for whatever reason, chances are you log in and out of them quite often. However, at least right now, this is proving to be quite a troublesome task.

Ever since mid-March 2022, I’ve been faced with this error if I try to log back into my personal snapchat account, after having logged out: “Oops! We could not find matching credentials.”. The first time this happened, I was beyond terrified. Did my account just get hacked, deleted? I had no clue. After trying to login many more times, only to be met with the same error, I moved over to my iPad and tried logging in with the very same password. This time, It worked… Just as it should’ve on my iPhone.

After doing some extensive research, I’ve concluded that this is not an issue with my password, two-factor authentication, or anything related to my account’s settings. In fact, I found that hundreds of people on Twitter & Reddit have complained about the same issue. However, I have seen many people have no signs of this problem whatsoever, despite having the same 2fa settings as I do. I’ve tried resetting my password, resetting 2fa, using the “Unlock Account” section of However, still nothing has changed. I’ve tried logging in on older versions of Snapchat, and had no issues there, despite the warning indicating a bad password on the latest production and beta builds of Snapchat. I’ve even experienced this same behavior on Android! After looking at the JSON response from the Snapchat servers when logging in on the official app, I see nothing different from a regular successful login. However, this proxied login was performed on an older version of Snapchat. Perhaps the bugged version uses a newer endpoint which is throwing the error.

A fix is to uninstall the app and then re-install it. You need to have 2fa via App or SMS enabled though. Basically, you need a code verification prompt to appear before the app will allow you to log you in.

I’m still skeptical that this is a clientside bug, but given how Snapchat does a decent job of versioning their APIs, I don’t think a server-side fix is out of the question ether. Nevertheless, this has been super inconveneint and I’ve contacted Snap Inc. in multiple ways but have not heard back anything insightful as of now. Perhaps this isn’t a bug and is just a dirty attempt to stop frequent account switchers. Though, they have a really robust account locking system which I thought was their main line of defense to any violations of their TOS. So I don’t see why another redundant measure would be necessary, especially given how many users it’s affecting whom likely don’t understand the root of the problem.



Devin Baeten

Self-taught Full Stack Web Developer • Learning iOS Development • UX Designer • & More!